AmnioGraft for Patients

AmnioGraft® is the only amniotic membrane tissue that has been recognized by the FDA for its unique anti-inflammatory, anti-scarring, and anti-angiogenic properties. This tissue is used by eye surgeons around the world to protect, repair, and promote regenerative healing of damaged eye surfaces.

What is AmnioGraft?

AmnioGraft is the only cryopreserved amniotic membrane tissue that has been recognized by the FDA for its unique anti-scarring, anti-inflammatory and anti-angiogenic properties.

The tissue is donated by healthy consenting mothers after scheduled cesarean section (C-Section) births within the USA. Donor suitability is stringent and is determined through social, physical, and medical screening.

What is amniotic membrane tissue?

Amniotic membrane is part of the placenta. It is the tissue closest to the baby throughout development in the womb. The biological properties of amniotic membrane protects the baby from any harm and its natural therapeutic actions helps the baby develop.

The placentas used to prepare AmnioGraft are donated by consenting mothers after cesarean section births. Mothers that donate are fully informed, have healthy lifestyles, and are tested against infectious diseases prior to donation.

Is AmnioGraft safe?

AmnioGraft is a safe, effective product provided by a FDA-regulated tissue bank. AmnioGraft has never been associated with any serious adverse events in the last 20 years of widespread clinical use.

AmnioGraft has natural properties that help damaged eye surfaces heal faster. Eyes treated with AmnioGraft have quicker healing, less scarring, and less inflammation. AmnioGraft is thin and clear like the tissue on the surface of your eye. It is used to replace damaged tissue on the surface of your eye and provide protection after surgery.

AmnioGraft is used to help manage symptoms of eye diseases such as corneal defects, partial stem cell deficiency, chemical burns, conjunctivochalasis, pterygium, symblepharon and many other ocular surface conditions.

AmnioGraft is a safe, effective product provided by FDA-regulated tissue bank. The tissue has passed many quality control tests before it is provided to your doctor. AmnioGraft has never been associated with any serious adverse events in the last 20 years of widespread clinical use. Ask your doctor if you are concerned about the risk involved with using human tissue.

Patient Resources

Download additional information below:

AmnioGraft Patient Guide – DOWNLOAD
AmnioGraft Mechanical Dry Eye Patient Guide – DOWNLOAD
AmnioGraft Pterygium Patient Guide – DOWNLOAD
AmnioGraft Pterygium Patient Guide (Spanish) – DOWNLOAD

See What Patients Are Saying

As a sales professional and someone who makes their living interacting with the public, I often had people comment my eyes appeared to be red and tired looking. Finally, I reached a point where it was time to address my problem! After doing some research, I concluded there was an “old way” of performing pterygium surgery, and a “newer, more advanced method” using the Amniograft. I decided to go for it. Two years later, I could not be happier! The recovery time and healing process was completely uneventful, and my eyes look great!

Mark Hayward