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Press Releases
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Press Releases
Press Releases
CDC Press Releases. CDC. Published 2019. Accessed May 2, 2019.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. National Diabetes Statistics Report: Estimates of Diabetes and Its Burden in the United States, 2014. Atlanta, GA: US Department of Health and Human Services; 2014.
Alexiadou K and Doupis J. Management of diabetic foot ulcers. Diabetes therapy: research, treatment and education of diabetes and related disorders. 2012; 3: 4-.
Huang E.T. MJ, Murad H., Joseph W.S., Strauss M.B., Tettelbach W., Worth E.R. A clinical practice guideline for the use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers. UHM 2015. 2015; 42.